The Study of Dendrites and Alzheimer |
Wednesday, May 6, 2009 |
Dendrites play a large role in Alzheimer’s disease. Studying the anatomy of dendrites can help you relate to symptoms evolving around Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, the anatomy of dendrites can show you how it leads to dementia.
Dendrites are neurons. The neurons or nerve cells are an essential function to the CNS. (Central Nervous System)
Neurons make up a body of cells, which include dendrites. Dendrites work with axon. Axon is the extension of thread-like nerve cells, which convey impulses away from the body of cells. Axon and dendrites are surrounded by a myelinated neuron, otherwise known as myelin sheath. Myelin sheath is nerve-insulators that layer the nerve cells. When myelin sheath is injured, it causes a disease of the central nervous system. The disease is serious and progressively spreads out infecting the nervous system.
Surrounding myelin sheath, dendrites, etc, are neuron conductors. The conductors send impulses side by side to the synapse. Synapse is the gaps amid the two nerve ends, which junction amid the cells. Synapse is shaped similar to a club, which its tip spreads to the nerve fibers virtually touching other cells in an attempt to transmit messages. The conductors also nearly touch muscles, organs, and glands. When the conductors space too far, or touch cells it can lead to problems, including symptoms that can lead to Alzheimer’s disease.
We have within use neurotransmitters, which make up acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a nerve transmitter of nerve impulses. Acetylcholine forms like white crystalline, which the compounds release from the fiber nerve ends and involve it self in transmitting nerve impulses.
Acetylcholine connects with serotonin. Serotonin is also neurotransmitters. The chemicals derive from amino acids (Tryptophan) and channels widely to distribute into the tissues. Serotonin acts as a conveyor, or neurotransmitter for the purpose of constricting blood vessels, which occur at injury marks, and often affects the emotional condition. When injuries occur it is slows the intellectual processes, which is a symptom of Alzheimer’s disease.
Serotonin works with dopamine, which is a chemical compound. The compounds occur within the brain cavity. Dopamine transmit nerve impulses as well, which involve it self in the structure of epinephrine. Epinephrine is the hormone adrenaline, or synthetic that forms adrenaline to relax airways, as well as tighten blood vessels. Blood vessels make up our veins, arteries, capillary, and/or aorta. The capillary are tubes that make up ducts and the passageway that allows blood to flow smoothly.
Dopamine works with endorphins, as well as gamma-aminobutyric acids. Endorphins are organic painkillers.
The substance forms in the brain and attaches it self to the same cell receptors as that of morphine. Endorphins release at what time severe injuries occur, which endorphin will act as a painkiller to abolish all sensations of pain. Now we see that if dendrites and its army of helpers are faulty, our natural painkiller is not working. Gamma acids also work as neurotransmitters, sending nerve impulses and affects CNS. The acids are laced with proteins.
The gamma-acids spread out to the norepineprhine and assist the conductor impulses channeling them side by side to “the synapse.”
Alzheimer’s disease is a disorder of the intelligence, or brain. The condition is a progressive disorder, which causes memory loss. We see by reviewing the dendrites that if the family that streams along with the dendrites, as well as the dendrites them self are faulty, it can cause symptoms that lead to Alzheimer’s disease. Still we must review dendrites to see how it affects the Central Nervous System, as well as families that connect to this vital unit within the human body. |
posted by neptunus @ 10:19 PM  |
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