Risk Reduction and Alzheimer |
Wednesday, May 6, 2009 |
One can take measures to reduce risks of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative illness that deteriorates tissues and nerve cells. Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease that causes memory loss. Alzheimer’s disease develops symptoms known as dementias, which is a cognitive weakening of the brain tissues and cells. The condition causes intellectual moldering. Dementia, a progressively disease toils to weaken the intellectual functions. The condition is preventable according to experts. Rather we can take measures to avert dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.
How to reduce risks: Genetics is claimed to be a cause of Alzheimer’s disease. If your family history has any diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, heart failure, strokes, etc, you may want to take steps to reduce the risks.
Heart conditions, such as strokes link to particular types of dementia.Vascular is a type of dementia that derives from a series of small or large strokes. The disease evokes dementia, which the brain becomes dysfunctional. Brain tissues are destroyed, which is known as infarcts. The condition can cause other serious complications, including diabetes.
If you have a medical family history, such as tachycardia, Bradycardia, etc, you should have frequent medical screening. Tachycardia causes rapid heart rates, which excessive speeding heartbeats excel 100 BPM. (Beats per minute)
Bradycardia is slowness of heart rate whereas the heart rates slow to around 60 BPM. After you turn 40, you should frequently ask for screening. Usually doctors’ will order electrocardiograms to test your heart. Noting the warning signs can help you and your doctor find available treatment to reduce your risks. The best course of action is to maintain a healthy heart. Heart conditions, such as atrial fibrillation can lead to Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer’s disease can cause various parts of the brain to degenerate. The disease destroys the nerve cells. Nerve cells transmit pointers to the brain, muscles, other cells, and so forth. The action causes a reduction in receptiveness, which is channeled to receiving nerve cells. The patient’s cognitive thinking will slow, causing potential failure to nerve impulses. Neurons or nerve impulses diffuse pointers to the brain. Neurotransmitters produce chemicals that carry messages to the nerve impulses. The communication is send to the brain. Alzheimer’s disease interrupts this process, which causes blood blockage to the brain. Like Alzheimer’s disease, heart conditions such as atrial fibrillation can affect cells, which convey messages to the heart and receives messages, which carries free-flowing blood. For this reason, doctors’ link heart conditions to Alzheimer’s disease.
Exercise is the best recourse for reducing risks. When you exercise, you work the bones, muscles, heart, brain, joints, cartilages, as well as many aspects of the human structure. Exercise should include cardio-workouts, such as aerobics.
Exercise has proven to reduce Bradycardia, tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, heart palpitations, etc. Fluttered heartbeats are also minimized when you exercise.
Medical treatment can also reduce your risks. If you have a history of Alzheimer’s or heart disease, it is wise to continue regular checkups. To reduce vascular dementia, continue regular checkups and ask for random tests, such as PET scans, SPECT, and/or MRI. The scans will help the doctor decide if warnings are present.
Additional conditions can lead to Alzheimer’s disease. Diseases such as carotid bruit can cause strokes or heart attacks and lead to Alzheimer’s disease. The arteries in the neck are interrupted with this condition, which causes blockage of blood supply reaching the brain. When blood is blocked from reaching the brain, VD becomes a risk, which doctors will check EBM levels to avert strokes. If you have history of diabetes, hypertension, or atherosclerosis see your doctor for a checkup. |
posted by neptunus @ 10:16 PM  |
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