Alzheimer's Disease and Elder Care at Home - What You Must Do - Diet Change By David Langolff |
Monday, April 27, 2009 |
Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's disease at home is a very difficult task and can sometimes become overwhelming. Each day brings new challenges. Basic activities of daily living such as dressing, bathing, eating and being difficult to manage for both the person with Alzheimer's disease and the caregiver. Recent scientific studies have shown how diet can affect the risk of Alzheimer's disease. If you have a responsibility to care for an elderly person at home can be your mom or dad will probably cook for him / her. How can you help with a proper diet?
What you eat is important for your brain. Many studies have linked dietary habits and nutrient-specific risk factors for Alzheimer's disease or cognitive impairment. A low-fat diet rich in antioxidants like vitamins E and C for all life can be a good protection against Alzheimer's disease and a broad range of other diseases. Make sure to take this information into account when preparing a dish for your beloved.
1) A low-fat diet is associated with decreased risk of Alzheimer's disease. People who eat mostly lean meats (poultry and fish) and fruits and vegetables have lower risk of developing Alzheimer's that people who eat a diet high in fat and sugar. 2) A diet rich in foods containing vitamin E may help protect against Alzheimer's disease in some people. Such foods include vegetable oils, nuts, green leafy vegetables and whole grains. It seems that taking vitamin E is not as effective. The best way to obtain a protective effect against Alzheimer's disease is becoming more symptoms of the vitamin from food. 3) A diet rich in foods containing vitamin B is important. Why? In general, the Alzheimer's patients have low levels of B12 are often deficient in B1, B2, B6 and B12. These vitamins prevent high levels of homocysteine, a chemical that appears to increase the risk for Alzheimer's disease and heart disease. Different B vitamins come from different natural sources, such as potatoes, bananas, lentils, liver, turkey, tuna. 4) Magnesium is also necessary for brain function. A low level of magnesium overexcites neurons of the brain and results in less coherence. Defatted soy flour, whole grains, wheat bran, and nuts are sources of a large amount of magnesium. 5) the consumption of green tea daily may also prevent Alzheimer's disease. Some researchers are working hard to find a way to be able to treat and reverse plaques that have already formed in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease.
Would you like to learn more about how eating habits can even reverse the development of Alzheimer's disease? click here now and stop being depressed!
Langolff David has extensive experience in relief. He has worked for years as a pharmacist and professor in Africa, the West Indies and South America. His grandmother had suffered from Alzheimer's disease until his death at age 99. |
posted by neptunus @ 6:50 PM  |
Curcumin and Alzheimer Disease - The Good News By Julie C. Ashe |
Friday, April 24, 2009 |
Lately there has been a growing interest in the relationship between curcumin and Alzheimer's disease. We know that Alzheimer's is one of the most feared conditions that a person can suffer from the later stages of life. The condition is apparent in the form of memory loss that are deteriorating with each passing day. As life is full of wonderful memories that creates feelings of most of us have Alzheimer's disease would mean the loss of enjoyment of things that are important to us once. The worst thing is that it can cause a person to lose control of their lives and may need to care outside the family or loved ones in order to perform daily tasks. In the United States, more than 5.3million people are diagnosed. This means that every 70 seconds a person develops the dreaded Alzheimer's disease.
The cost of health care
The escalating costs of health care for people with this disease is still increasing every year. As more people are aware of the latest treatments available to combat this debilitating disease, there is a group of individuals to turn a more natural approach to combat Alzheimer's disease and hopefully prevent that ever happening.
There are many forms of drug therapy that can help people who suffer from this to lead a more balanced and fulfilling life. But there is an even more attractive approach to deal with Alzheimer's disease is a natural way the use of supplements is readily available in the market as part of their daily diet, even before this condition happens to you.
What can the curcumin
Collected extracts of curcumin india spice turmeric has shown some promising results in treating and preventing disease. This spice contains curcuminoids which is actually a form of antioxidant that can effectively block and dissolve amyloidal plague buildup in the human brain, which is responsible for developing Alzheimer's disease.
Curcumin is a highly sought ingredient in the herbal market that promises many opportunities for living a more balanced, even when one suffers from this disease. The intake of this supplement may show some significant results in some people. But the real measure to combat this disease is to start taking this as part of your daily diet. This is the only way you can ensure you get the best nature has to offer through its variety of natural herbs and spices that contain some of the most powerful healing properties has never known. It seems good news for users of curcumin and Alzheimer's sufferers alike.
Julie C. Ashe is a life-time user and passionate fan of the benefits of vitamins and supplements with a scientific basis for promoting good health and vitality.
Learn more about the latest developments in the world of vitamins and supplements and visit the website of Julie Facts on vitamins and supplements. |
posted by neptunus @ 7:45 PM  |
How to Treat Alzheimer's Disease - Green Tea Secrets By David Langolff |
Friday, April 17, 2009 |
Green tea has been consumed for more than four thousand years and has many properties that make it advantageous for the human body. You may wonder if green tea would be able to slow Alzheimer's progress. Some scientists say that a good cup of tea could slow Alzheimer's disease. Is it true?
His partner, your father, your mother or any close relative who may suffer from Alzheimer's disease. You feel sad for him / her. Are looking for valuable information about how to help him (or her) with natural and alternative medicine. Day after day we see a worsening of the following symptoms: memory loss, difficulty performing familiar tasks, problems with language, changes in mood and changes in personality.
Hundreds of studies on green tea have been made in the last decade, and have revealed the miraculous health benefits of green tea. It is well known that drinking green tea lowers cholesterol, reduces and inhibits cancer cells, reduces appetite and strengthens the immune system. The benefit of green tea is mainly due to its antioxidants. How to combat Alzheimer's tea? Studies have suggested that green tea has the power to reduce plaque in the brains of mice genetically modified up to 90 percent, which is incredible. The amyloid plaque is generally considered in the brains of Alzheimer's patients and appears to disrupt cell function. An antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), found in green tea appears to prevent the development of amyloid fibrils, a toxic protein associated with Alzheimer's disease. EGCG is a powerful ability to fight plaque.
Drinking regular cups of tea could help improve your memory. Consumption of green tea daily may prevent Alzheimer's disease. But is able to reverse plaques that have already formed in the brain. Nobody knows for now!
What about other natural treatment? Investment Alzheimer's breakthrough is the title of a book that can help your loved one to recover from that in Alzheimer's disease. Stop being depressed! Download this E-book and learn about treating Alzheimer's disease in which the body's immune system back into healthy shape.
Langolff David has extensive experience in relief. He has worked for years as a pharmacist and professor in Africa, the West Indies and South America. |
posted by neptunus @ 6:26 PM  |
The Best Friend Approach to Alzheimer's |
Thursday, April 16, 2009 |
When I started to understand the reality of caring for my mother who has Alzheimer's dementia, I was like the whole world, full of doubts and questions about how to "be" with it. I felt very uncomfortable when stories are repeated endlessly, or a mixture of the characters in them. And when the memory of my father began to disappear and be replaced by memories of childhood, I was surprised, confused and very sad.
I felt guilty about feeling bored, the insufficiency in the end (where I was wise, earthy, intuitive mother to help me figure this out?). But above all I had questions: Is it proper care of her, bring her back to the here and now, as a sister of my opinion? Is strengthening its grip on "reality", to stimulate your mind and slow its decline? My instinct was let go, to go along with her story when she was leader, but perhaps this was a skinny, maybe she needed me to your anchor in this world?
I can not say I never really answers that satisfy me, so it was left to follow my intuition - only confirmed that I have found the best friends approach Eldercare, by Virginia Bell and David Troxel. These authors have worked for many years, compassionate with the long-term care of people with Alzheimer's disease. The idea behind his approach is that what parents - or old - most need is just a best friend, someone who is understanding, positive and encouraging. Anyone who did not judge them, correct them, tell them what to do or how to think or behave.
In the discovery of this method, I feel very validated. I realize that I became a conflict when I looked at my mother through the lens of a disease. But when I saw her, just like my mom, I took as I met her, and give you the same simple human kindness to me any friends. Do not lecture me, correct or try to "improve" her, my job is to connect with her, and to comply with their support and where it is.
Here are some of the basic principles behind the best friend of the approach.
Go with the flow - Caring for her father about what he is happy, safe and comfortable. If your father says: "I am eating breakfast now," might be tempted to say that it is dinner time in hopes of making it less confusing, but it is not helpful, simply saying, "Yum, it smells good." Just go with the flow and enter their world.
Let Go of Perfectionism - Choose activities you enjoy, and his father do not worry if done properly. If s / may not follow the rules of a card game over, try to sort the cards into suits and colors. If s / he likes to help around the house, give you a specific task to do, like folding clothes. No matter if it is done perfectly. What matters is that your parent is the fun and feel useful.
Above all, show respect - remember that theirs is a relationship that consists of adult activities and adult communication. Even if your father has Alzheimer's disease, there is no need to play games intended for children or to talk as if they were children. Promote their dignity above all else.
Kathleen Daniel, MS, L.Ac. writes about the change and the transition from the inside, the combination of knowledge and experience of a lifetime practice of yoga with her work as an acupuncturist, organizational consultant, educator, and life and leadership coach. A student at Johns Hopkins leadership program for Women, also takes active reflection and renewal retreats for women. Website: |
posted by neptunus @ 6:32 PM  |
Resveratrol Pills & Alzheimer's - How Resveratrol Can Help Fight Alzheimer's Disease By Nicole McDaniels |
Tuesday, April 7, 2009 |
Studies have been made in connection with Alzheimer's disease in red wine, but in the right direction. Based on these scientific studies, a compound found in red wine May fight against the disease. There's something in the grapes that make them very healthy. However, this does not mean that you must rely on wine to cure the disease. Think that if you drink wine, you will not have Alzheimer's disease, is not fair.
So what is in the red wine that makes it special and May in future be a good source of a drug for Alzheimer's disease? The compound is called resveratrol. It can be found in red wine, grapes, fruits, and peanuts as well. The complex itself is an antioxidant and is known for its health benefits. Studies also show that the disease is rare in places where red wine is drink indeed.
In addition, research also shows that resveratrol can inhibit beta-amyloid, a protein found in people suffering from the disease, which is also an ingredient in plaques in the brain. To see if others can do what antioxidants can resveratrol, experts have tested a handful of fruits rich in antioxidants. The results were not as good as the said plant compound in grapes and red wine. Now the development of this, as a medicine to treat the disease, is thought of as a scaffold, and is now being amended to make it more stable and active treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
All these benefits are still on the stage of hypotheses and current research. It has not been proven at any time. However, resveratrol pills are already on the market. Consumers are urged to be careful with the use of these pills.
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Resveratrol is the # 1 "Anti-Aging" because it has many different elements that help your body, so that you can not go wrong with Dr. Oz resveratrol. |
posted by neptunus @ 6:54 PM  |