Phosphate Acids and Alzheimer |
Sunday, July 19, 2009 |
Alzheimer’s disease creates dementia in time. The disease deteriorates tissues, cells, and gradually destroys the entire markup of the brain, and Central Nervous System. (CNS)
To help you understand how phosphate acids may be a factor behind Alzheimer’s disease we can consider what the purpose of phosphorus produces. Phosphorus is acids that we get from natural foods, such as cheese, milk, meat, nuts, legumes, cereals, fish, poultry, etc. The acids function primarily to strengthen the bones and teeth, as well as producing energy.
Now according to medical experts genetics play a part in Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Genes house various elements, which include nuclei cells. The cells are crucial rudiments of the living cells. The living cells encase eukaryotic cells, as well as masses of protoplasm. In this region, our chromosomes are stored, which controls the growth of cells and reproduction. Eukaryotic cells make up nuclei and organelles, produces mitochondrion. The small body of cells is housed within cytoplasm, which is where enzymes are produced. Enzymes control proteins through biochemical reactions that are produced by the living cells. Enzymes then promote the metabolic by allowing it to convert food into energy.
As we discussed earlier, phosphate acids produce energy. Now, if genes are a part of the problem, then we must consider all elements of the human makeup before determining its causes. Phosphate acids form the nucleic acids, which is where DNA is stored. Deoxyribonucleic cells are also stored in this region. Of course, insufficient, or overloads of such acid alone may not explain Alzheimer’s disease, but it surely helps us to see that it does play a part in the cause. Now I am willing to challenge DNA and RNA, simply because it does not make up the components that deteriorate. I am talking about the central nervous system. Brain. The disease is normally progressive, which it starts to deteriorate the brain rapidly.
Recently, I was told that Alzheimer’s disease takes the person back mentally, i.e. the person will recall the nice days of their youth. Accordingly, Alzheimer’s may not have as severe symptoms as doctors believe, since if the mind is flashing back, part of the problem with memory, is consumption. Time will tell.
According to experts, Alzheimer’s disease develops into dementia, which is a progressive condition of the brain that tears down the tissues and the nerves. The never cells are chief functions of the central nervous system (CNS), which the cells consist of cell bodies. The cell bodies function with dendrites and axon. Axon and dendrites surround it self by myelinated nerves or myelin sheath. The nerve layers are insulators. When myelin sheath is injured, or interrupted it can lead to multiple sclerosis, since the nerve impulses are impaired. Myelin sheath is also known as medullary sheath.
When the nerve impulses are impaired, the system will fail to signal synapse, which the gaps are between nerve endings that junction with fibers and affect the muscles, organs, and glands.
Breakdown in the system continues to interrupt the body and mind, since neurotransmitters fail to correspond with acetylcholine. Serotonin, as well as dopamine, and endorphins are affected as well. The condition continues to deteriorate the processes of gamma-aminobutyric acids, which affects norepineprhine. At this state, the nerve impulses are unable to work in conjunction with fibers and nerve ends, which the condition finally reaches the central nervous system and the spinal cord.
Once the central nervous system is affected, the lobes within the brain begin to falter. The frontal lobe where the intellectual functions, personality, and the motor speech reside is impaired, which starts the process of rapid progression. |
posted by neptunus @ 10:26 PM  |
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