Mind Disease and Alzheimer |
Sunday, July 19, 2009 |
Mind disease, such as Alzheimer’s is said to arise from abnormal conditions within amyloid proteins. The primarily disease targets the Caucasian race, yet other races are not excluded. New studies are underway, which is leading experts closer to discovering the cause of Alzheimer’s, yet experts are continuing to study apolilipoproteins and its link to the disease. Apo E or apolilipoproteins is carefully considered, since E4 grades have shown enormous signs of the disease Alzheimer. The degenerative brain disease is the cause of destroying the nerve cells. The condition starts slow and gradually begins to develop symptoms.
Tissues are damaged when Alzheimer’s is present, which breaks down nerve cells and finally starts to destroy the Central Nervous System. (CNS) The main nervous system is the root of the cerebral canal. The entire structure makes up the spinal cord and four lobes that reside within the brain. The lobes include the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, and the occipital lobe. The lobes are where we get our personality, senses, intellect, etc.
According to experts once amyloid-proteins reach the CNS and the brain, it begins to deteriorate the entire CNS and brain, affecting the frontal and temporal lobes. Each lobe within the brain works in conjunction with the diencephalons. Diencephalons rest within the central area of the brain stem.
Diencephalons links to thalamus, as well as hypothalamus, the two join and shapes in the form of an egg. The chemicals and/or substances collect in the form of gray matter, which rests beneath cerebral hemispheres in the brain. The purpose of thalamus is to send sensory, which stimulates body temperature, pain and feelings to the surface layers of the kidney, brain, cortex, and so on. When Alzheimer is present, the sensory is affected, as well as stimulus, which makes one wonder if Alzheimer’s disease is not causing a decline in this area. The area makes up the part of the brain, which includes the frontal lobe, intellectual mind, and involves itself with the psychological process of thinking, reasoning, etc. Hypothalamus also controls involuntary functions, respiration, emotional, temperature, blood pressure, etc, which is also affected when Alzheimer’s disease is present.
We see that if Alzheimer’s is declining hypothalamus, as well as thalamus and diencephalons, it will cause problems, especially since the disease is hitting the brain stem. Diencephalons join to form nerve fibers, which are at the outer layers of the brainstem, also known as the Pons Varolii. Diencephalons rest in the middle of the medulla oblongata also, which is at the lower region of the brain. This is where the vertebrate connects to the Medulla and the spinal cord. The Medulla controls the involuntary vital actions, which includes the heart and lungs.
Now, if the CNS, spinal cord, cerebral, medulla, etc, is disturbed it obviously appears that Alzheimer’s disease is an illnesses that may be caused from some chemical that destroys tissues and cells.
Since the central brain stores the frontal lobes, and linking lobes the peduncles are affected, which accordingly poses questions, since the peduncles is where the intellectual functions are stored. The condition Alzheimer’s disease the intellectual functions. Once Alzheimer’s disease targets this area, it causes memory loss, senile tangles, etc.
The conditions that mark Alzheimer’s disease make up a number that outreaches experts’ means of understanding, yet the factors in between makes it clear that a connection is present.
Alzheimer’s disease is a medical disorder that causes dementia to arise. The degenerative disease affects the brain, which causes dementia, more specifically as a person ages. Dementia will tear down the cognitive thought process, intellectual functions, and so on, until finally it destroys the person. |
posted by neptunus @ 10:26 PM  |
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