Turmeric and Alzheimer's - What is the Link Between Turmeric and Alzheimer's Disease? By Peter Dawson |
Saturday, March 7, 2009 |
Alzheimer's disease. Strike fear into the heart of any elderly person, and with good reason. It is one of the most insidious diseases suffered by older people. But there is a line between turmeric and control of Alzheimer's disease?
It seems clear that there is a much lower incidence of Alzheimer's disease in societies that eat a lot of turmeric. In fact, the lower incidence of Alzheimer's disease in the world is in many indigenous peoples, and of course eat a lot of Indian curry. The rate of Alzheimer's disease among elderly people in these villages is about 1%, a very low incidence. Turmeric is an essential ingredient of a good curry, which provides the yellow color you see in curries.
Now, of course, the fact that Alzheimer's disease is lower in India and the fact that Indians eat curry does not prove that turmeric prevents Alzheimer's disease, but may show a link between turmeric and prevention of Alzheimer enough to suggest that should be studied.
The active ingredient of turmeric is curcumin. And studies have shown that curcumin may help reduce the incidence of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in mice, it seems to have a clear link between turmeric and control of Alzheimer's disease.
And there are studies showing a reduction of brain damage in rats by curcumin. And curcumin is known to be a potent antioxidant and very effective in controlling inflammation. Now, of course, before the link between turmeric and control of Alzheimer's disease has shown to be fully blown human testing, and these can often take years and years.
But those who are concerned about Alzheimer's disease may include turmeric in their daily intake of this before, years and years away may be too late. Now, of course, you could eat a lot of curry. Lots. But there is a better way.
The best dietary supplements in the world are turmeric, or curcumin, along with 77 other vitamins and minerals and anti oxidants on a daily nutritional supplement that should deliver a wide range of nutrients essential for optimal health. These extras include a generous dose of resveratrol, one of the most exciting discoveries of the last 2 decades in the field of natural health supplements.
So if you are worried about the diseases that seem to afflict us as we grow older, you can wait 10 years or older to test the link between turmeric and Alzheimer's disease, or you could start taking a daily nutritional supplement as a preventive, and get a daily intake of a variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other ingredients to help keep you healthy as you age.
Or you could eat curry every day.
Want to find the best in the world with turmeric dietary supplements? Visit Peter Natural Health-Natural Skin Care and more information about the high quality natural health supplements http://naturalskinhealth.com/health-supplements/ |
posted by neptunus @ 3:48 PM  |
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